Mercy Vine

Term 2, Issue No. 2 - 5 July 2023

Parles-tu francais?

Vive La France!

By Madame Belinda Roberts

Youpi! C’est la Journée Française

A highlight of the year, our Junior School students recently celebrated the much-anticipated Journée Française (French Day)!

To begin, each class showcased their French language learning through performances for peers and parents. C’était super! And 1 parent won the Chaise Chanceuse (lucky seat prize), which was a beautiful handmade beret from parent Lily Kaczmarczyk. Lily sells her lovely berets at the Gilles Street Markets.

The students loved eating their pains au chocolat at recess time. Miam! Then each Year level embraced a different activity with French themes: Reception students built French monuments out of recyclable materials, Year 1 students made beautiful smelling Parfum, and the Year 2 classes all had a turn wearing the Maillot jaune (yellow jersey) as they participated in a Tour de France on their scooters, Allez! Allez!

Year 3 students made meringues with our enthusiastic parent, Monsieur Grégory Lefevre, and more delicious creations were made in Year 4, where students demonstrated their architectural skills by building monuments ... out of biscuits and icing!

Lastly, our Year 5 students designed French fashion for famous historical figures and paraded to the class. C’était très chic!

C’était une journée fantastique! (It was a fantastic day!)

Belinda Roberts
Junior School French Teacher

Important Dates

Wednesday 5 July | Last day of Term 2

Monday 24 July |  First day of Term 3


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